Speed Reading  

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Make the rest while speed reading

So just relax, or your mind will only concentrate on the task, rather than the content and comprehension of the material. One of the first things to remember when speed-reading, is to relax. But getting worried about an assignment will cause your mind to tense up, making it impossible to concentrate. If you were presented with a 200-page report that must be read by the weekend, your first reaction may be to completely stress over the thought, as most people would.

Stretch when your momentum seems to be slowing down. Stop, close your eyes and squeeze them together tightly for a second, then open them wide. Play around for a few minutes by pacing yourself through "simulated" reading of a book held upside down, page by page, at extremely rapid speeds just to ger the feel of rapid, rhythmic movement down the page again. With new momentum established, turn the book right-side up and continue reading at your fastest possible speed.

Speed reading tips

Don't read too much at once. Never read more than a chapter at once. It's best to read only one section at a time. That way, you won't find yourself looking up from the book wondering what you've just read.

Read it more than once. The first time should be a skim (see a above), the second time a speed reading, and the third time a thorough going over. It sounds like a lot, but it won't seem that way if you do it this way --and you'll be glad you did!

Look it over before you read it. Skim over the headings and boldface terms --and take a quick look at the illustrations. It'll give you a good idea of what you are about to tackle.

Let your fingers do the walking. It sounds silly, but if you read with one finger on the text and the other on the related figure, you'll find you can read more easily --and RETAIN more of what you have read.

Use a reading strategy. There are many strategies for reading textbooks that study specialists have developed, each suited to different learning and reading styles. Use the links below to explore some of these techniques.



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Feature Highlights
By using Speed reading software, you can improve facilities of speed reading. You needn't practice special exercises; it is just enough to read and periodical practice. Look at free online speed reading trainings. All text contain 50% of garbage.
> Remove 50% of letters and you will read the text. Try to understand this simply idea and you speed reading will up. Human mind read the words as china hieroglyph. You can mix the letters and read the text. Try to understand this simply idea and you speed reading will up. You can read the text by groups of words. If you strips the text you can also read the text. The speed reading will by up if you wide the span eyes. Use the full version of speed reading software "Speed reading is not magic".
Habitually returning to what is already read, that usually decreases the speed of reading, no longer happens. Reading each word individually becomes unnecessary because skillful fast readers do not individualize the text when reading at high speeds. 
You become accustomed to grasping a whole word or a group of words at one glance. In this way you activate your peripheral vision facilities. You study how to read without haste, because the program responds to the speed you have chosen and does not react to your haste. The "Magic Speed Reading" inclues 15 different computerized trainings.
>  Speed reading is not magic :)