Magic Speed Reading  

Sub vocalization
Wide your span eye
Words games



Special for eliminaton habit of subvocalization

Subvocalization. This means that you actually say the words in your head as you read. You do this because you were taught to read this way.

Reading out loud was followed by reading "silently", and then finally without even moving your lips. The problem is that this habit means that you can only read as fast as you can talk, which is about 350 words per minute maximum. Simple drills can quickly and easily remove this limit.

The benefit of reducing this effect means that with practice you will be able to cover the same material in one tenth of the time it now takes. There is no decrease in comprehension, and if it is study, you will have time to cover it several times which will skyrocket your recall and understanding.

The method of the central speech hindrances is used for suppression of the subvocalization. This method concluded with knocking the rhythm by the hand. The speech of the person is placed on "tip of the finger". When you make busy the finger, than automatically block speech center.

The are three methods for subvocalization eliminating:

  1. Speak one text and read other text at the same time. Aloud words: one, two, three : and read this text. Do you understand the text? What process occurs in your mind?
  2. Do complex fingers motions. The motions mustn't be automatic, free and easy. It is necessary to execute the motion, which force the brain constantly to check performance. For example, straighten one by one finger of the left hand while the right hand knock (one knock - one straight finger).
  3. Read the text under specifically selected rhythm. You need select the rhythm that cannot appropriate for reading. It is necessary to do this rhythm itself. At the first time it is not easy to do rhythm and read. Anther problem will be in understanding the text. You will forget all you read.

For full elimination of subvocalization required twenty hours of the reading with this rhythm.

You can use this rhythm:

1. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.2 sec,
2. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.2 sec,
3. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.4 sec,
4. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.4 sec,
5. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.8 sec,
6. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.8 sec,
7. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.8 sec,
8. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.8 sec.
1. Stroke by the palm and forearm. Wait 0.2 sec,



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Feature Highlights
By using Speed reading software, you can improve facilities of speed reading. You needn't practice special exercises; it is just enough to read and periodical practice. Look at free online speed reading trainings. All text contain 50% of garbage.
> Remove 50% of letters and you will read the text. Try to understand this simply idea and you speed reading will up. Human mind read the words as china hieroglyph. You can mix the letters and read the text. Try to understand this simply idea and you speed reading will up. You can read the text by groups of words. If you strips the text you can also read the text. The speed reading will by up if you wide the span eyes. Use the full version of speed reading software "Speed reading is not magic".
Habitually returning to what is already read, that usually decreases the speed of reading, no longer happens. Reading each word individually becomes unnecessary because skillful fast readers do not individualize the text when reading at high speeds. 
You become accustomed to grasping a whole word or a group of words at one glance. In this way you activate your peripheral vision facilities. You study how to read without haste, because the program responds to the speed you have chosen and does not react to your haste. The "Magic Speed Reading" inclues 15 different computerized trainings.
>  Speed reading is not magic :)